Honey contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2 and enzymes
Honey as human food is one of the most valuable, nutritious and healthier foods. It gives energy to the muscles, clarity in mind, disinfects and regulates the digestive system. Regular use gives vitality to the body and helps to prolong life. Hippocrates and all the doctors of antiquity recommended it as a medicine in many cases. Today it is recognized its therapeutic value in constipation in heart disease, anemia, adenopathy and forfeiture cases and weakness of the body.
Honey contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2 and enzymes. These components gives honey its compelling medical features. The honey is tonic, increases the rate of heart function, reduces ulcer stomach problems, relieves insomnia, constipation, the sore throat and generally contributes to the good functioning of the body. Honey consumption helps to faster restoration of health in cases of anemia due to iron content. It is often used in cases of intoxication because it helps the faster metabolism of alcohol in the body.
Honey is an aromatic, viscosity, sweet material derived from the nectar of plants which the bees collect and alter it to make their food in a denser liquid and finally they store it in their honeycombs.
Bees collect nectar from flowers or juices and lay it in their hive. There it loses moisture and humidity and it reaches the usual honey, humidity 14-18%. Honey contains 77-78% sugar (mainly fructose and glucose), and because of its relatively low moisture content, does not favor the growth of microorganisms. It is acidic, fluid in its original form, but it is transformed into crystalline when it stays for long. It mainly consists of two simple sugars, dextrose and laevulose, with presence in most cases of complex carbohydrates, usually with the prevailing laevulose and always contains minerals, vegetable coloring materials, some enzymes and pollen grains.
Honey contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2 and enzymes. These components gives honey its compelling medical features. The honey is tonic, increases the rate of heart function, reduces ulcer stomach problems, relieves insomnia, constipation, the sore throat and generally contributes to the good functioning of the body. Honey consumption helps to faster restoration of health in cases of anemia due to iron content. It is often used in cases of intoxication because it helps the faster metabolism of alcohol in the body.
Honey as human food is one of the most valuable, nutritious and healthier foods. It gives energy to the muscles, clarity in mind, disinfects and regulates the digestive system. Regular use gives vitality to the body and helps to prolong life. Hippocrates and all the doctors of antiquity recommended it as a medicine in many cases. Today it is recognized its therapeutic value in constipation in heart disease, anemia, adenopathy and forfeiture cases and weakness of the body.
Honey has healing properties. It is antiseptic and germicidal because of the said hydrogen peroxide which contains the acidity and the high concentration of sugar. It helps in healing of wounds, stops blood in wounds and injuries and provide sterility. Thanks to antibiotics and alkaline features it helps to disinfect the mouth and does not cause caries conditions.
Honey is recommended to obesity which is caused due to defective metabolism, hyperinsulinism and water retention in the tissues.
Prolonged consumption of honey by people suffering from heart disorders, results to improve their situation. The honey sugar, particularly glucose, is necessary for the contractions of the heart muscle and a source of energy for the heart. Moreover honey, with the help of the sugars and the acetylcholine dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.
The percentage of hemoglobin, particularly in children increases with the consumption of honey mainly due to iron and copper content.
Honey is basically alkaline food because of the mineral salts it contains. The alkalinity reduces the acidity of the stomach. Honey is proved as a valuable means of protection against stomach ulcers and dodeca finger. Finally, honey is considered as one of the best natural light laxatives.
The honey glucose supplements the reserves of liver glycogen. The liver is our body’s factory where such useful substances are compassed for the body and degrade others that are dangerous such as toxins. The presence of glycogen enhances this work and increases the body’s resistance to infections.
Honey contains very little protein and almost no salt, substances which are not allowed to people with kidney disease. Besides honey as hypertonic glucose solution, strengthens and enhances the body and is a diuretic.
Finally honey due to its high proportion of fructose in combination with enzymes. Restores sobriety to people who are intoxicated, especially if combined with lemon juice.